All Alitalia customers in possession of a boarding pass with departure and / or destination airport Karol Wojtyla Bari can avail up to 31/12/2016, a reduction of 10% on train tickets for the connection with the airport.
Customers Alitalia, to benefit from this reduction will have to buy train tickets at the Infopoint of Ferrotramviaria near Stazione Bari Centrale and the airport bus stop.
The discount also will be awarded exclusively to travelers showing, at the time of ticket rail, to be in possession of a boarding pass with Alitalia departure and/or destination Airport Bari Karol Wojtyla; the train ticket will be issued with the same date of validity of the ticket.



Pubblicato il 18/12/15

Ferrotramviaria S.p.A Direzione Generale Trasporto
Piazza A. Moro, 50/B - 70122 Bari

Partita Iva: 00890311004 - C.F.: 00431220581
Registro imprese: CCIAA ROMA n. 00431220581
Capitale sociale: 5.000.000 € I.V. - R.E.A. n. 83839