Concorso BaricentraleOn 22 and 23 April 2013 was held in Bari on the international competition "BARICENTRALE", aimed at the reorganization of the town in conjunction with the reorganization of the railway.

At the end of the competition the first place was awarded by the jury in a unanimous, the study Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, thanks to their work and study design, proposed the creation of a park permeable based on the design of existing tracks, namely the board structure of the Murat district in the north and the south. Inside the park there are several commercial solutions, tertiary, residential and neighborhood facilities, all on an extension of 3 km.

The solution was chosen and awarded by the Board (as the minutes) was focused and "has focused its attention on projects more strongly engaged on the issues of reconnection between the parts of the city divided by the railway and the allocation of green space and public. With this in mind, after a thorough examination of the documents submitted, the jury decided to award the prize to the project Fuksas for clarity, unified vision and feasibility of the proposed solution. The Commission also reiterates that he appreciated the vision unitary and the inherent strength of a project that has the ability to shape the future of the city through the construction of a major public infrastructure. "
It 'also provided a preliminary design stage concerning the former barracks Rossani and a subsequent implementation once its redevelopment.

The statement of the architect Massimiliano Fuksas: "This is the first project I approximate about urban planning, after years away from the issues that affect urban issues. I understand from the outset that it was an awesome job, complicated. The main idea is to want to eliminate the railroad in a large park. So we wanted to combine the health of the city and the vision of the future in a complex environment, and we imagined a Central park three kilometers long that could incorporate the station and act as a bridge between the two areas of Bari In doing so we always kept down the budget."

Pubblicato il 30/04/13

Ferrotramviaria S.p.A Direzione Generale Trasporto
Piazza A. Moro, 50/B - 70122 Bari

Partita Iva: 00890311004 - C.F.: 00431220581
Registro imprese: CCIAA ROMA n. 00431220581
Capitale sociale: 5.000.000 € I.V. - R.E.A. n. 83839