On 6th February 2004 Ferrotramviaria S.p.A. obtained, by Certification Authority DNV, the certification for its Quality Management System, in accordance with the international standard UNI EN ISO 900, valid for the provision of public transport services by rail and by road. On 5th January 2006, the certification was extended to the design and management of rail infrastructure.


On 12nd July 2005, again by the Certification DNV, the Ferrotramviaria S.p.A. holds a Certification of Management System of Social Responsibility, conforming to SA8000. This certification, which expresses the recognition of the principles of work ethics, allows the Company to acquire greater competitiveness within the procedures of custody management services of Public Transport on Regional and Local routes and confirms the social commitment of the company, with particular reference to the improvement of working conditions (safety, bargaining, etc..).


From the financial statement about SA8000, we can get the observation of all individual requirements of SA8000, that is prepared annually and is available for anyone by request.


The company's sensitivity to the issue of employee safety led to the acquisition of the OHSAS 18001 certification at the beginning of 2016. This certification ensures the existence of an effective and efficient workplace safety management system that helps Identifying risks, defining goals and responsibilities, thus facilitating the work of preventing accidents at workplaces. It also allows you to maintain compliance with the law in this area.


Ferrotramviaria SpA be careful to all the development opportunities, and it is activated as part of the process of rail transport liberalization, serving as a rail carrier to Transport of freight and passenger on national railway infrastructure. Performing of such services, there was implemented a Safety Management System, certified by the National Agency for the Safety of Railways since from 2009.


On June 28, 2018, Ferrotramviaria SpA, as the Bari-Barletta Network Operator and branches for the Karol Wojtyla Airport and the San Paolo Quarter, obtained from ANSF the Safety Authorization.


In January 2019, the ANSF issued to Ferrotramviaria SpA the renewal of the Safety Certificate for freight and passenger services on the Italian Railway Network and, at the same time, extended the validity of the certificate to passenger transport services on the Regional Railway Network managed by the same Ferrotramviaria. The Company is the only operator in Italy, together with the FNM group that operates in Lombardy, to have completed the authorization process for rail services on the regional network.


With the release of the Safety Certificate extended to the regional network as a railway company, the Company completes, in just over two years, the authorization process initiated following the Ministerial Decree 5 August 2016, issued in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 112/2015, which established the transfer of powers to the regional railways by the Ministry of Transport to the ANSF.





Elenco allegati

Safety Authorization - Ferrotramviaria SpA – Infrastructure Division
Balance Sheet - SA8000
Certification - ISO45001
Certification - SA8000
Certification - ISO14001
Single Safety Certificate
Certification for the International Standards - ISO 9001
Safety Management System Policy - Ferrotramviaria SpA - Infrastructure division

Ferrotramviaria S.p.A Direzione Generale Trasporto
Piazza A. Moro, 50/B - 70122 Bari

Partita Iva: 00890311004 - C.F.: 00431220581
Registro imprese: CCIAA ROMA n. 00431220581
Capitale sociale: 5.000.000 € I.V. - R.E.A. n. 83839