The Service Charter is characterized as the document that sets out the rules applied in the relations between the company that offers public utilities and citizens who use them, and as a tool that allows to know the activities of the Company and, therefore, as the means to evaluate the services provided and their quality. Ferrotramviaria S.p.A. undertakes to apply the principles contained in it and to make public the quality standards on which will consist of the service, for the future. In the Service Charter will set out the objectives on which is oriented the enterprise management, to improve both the quality of service provided that relations with customers who benefit from them. In particular, the Company pays attention about greater participation in the definition of service and provides better access to information by the parties concerned. With this in mind, are periodically acquired user's feedbacks, both for the verification of the results obtained in fulfilling their commitment, both for the identification of improvements of service for optimum achievement of objectives. 


The Service Charter has been drawn up in accordance with the following provisions of law:

- Direttiva del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri del 27 gennaio 1994

“Principi sull’erogazione dei servizi pubblici”


- Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri del 30 dicembre 1998

“Schema generale di riferimento per la predisposizione della Carta dei Servizi Pubblici nel Settore Trasporti (Carta della Mobilità)”


- Legge 281 del 30 luglio 1998

“Disciplina dei diritti e dei doveri dei consumatori e degli utenti”


- Regolamento (CE) N. 1371 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 23 ottobre 2007

“Diritti e obblighi dei passeggeri nel trasporto ferroviario”


- Delibera CiVIT n° 88/2010

“Linee guida per la definizione degli standard di qualità”


- Decreto Legge 50 del 24 aprile 2017 – Titolo IV Capo I

“Misure nel settore dei trasporti e delle infrastrutture”


- Delibera ART n. 106/2018

“Misure concernenti il contenuto minimo degli specifici diritti che gli utenti dei servizi di trasporto per ferrovia connotati da oneri di servizio pubblico possono esigere nei confronti dei gestori dei servizi e delle infrastrutture ferroviarie”


- Contratto di Servizio stipulato con la Regione Puglia

"Regola i rapporti tra Regione Puglia e Ferrotramviaria rispetto alla quantità e alla qualità dei servizi erogati"



The Service Charter of Ferrovie del Nord Barese is available:

- in hard copy, at the ticket office near the stations and stops of the railway line and at external and authorized points of sale to the issuance of travel documents;

- in electronic format on the website

Ferrotramviaria S.p.A. provides the railway and bus service in accordance with the principles issued by Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers on 27 January 1994, as indicated below:

Equality and fairness
The services and infrastructure can be used by all the people without any distinction. The Company is committed to allowing easier access for the disabled and the elderlies. Towards users are adopted criteria of impartiality.

Continuity of service
The Company is committed to provide the service with continuity and regularity. In the event of malfunctions or interruptions, the commitment is to minimize the inconvenience for to users. In case of need or planned outages, the Company will arrange with alternative services. In case of strike, will give maximum disclosure, prior and timely, about guaranteed minimum services to the users.

The Company looks forward to the participation of their users, offering comparisons and debates on service improvement by providing information, accepting comments and suggestions.

Efficiency and Effectiveness
The Company pursues the objective of the progressive and continuous improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of the service, taking the most appropriate technological, organizational and procedural tecniques for this purpose.

Freedom of choice
The Company guarantees the right of citizens' mobility, facilitating the freedom of choice between multiple modal solutions.

Elenco allegati


Ferrotramviaria S.p.A Direzione Generale Trasporto
Piazza A. Moro, 50/B - 70122 Bari

Partita Iva: 00890311004 - C.F.: 00431220581
Registro imprese: CCIAA ROMA n. 00431220581
Capitale sociale: 5.000.000 € I.V. - R.E.A. n. 83839